AGIFODENT – Asociacion Granadina para la informacion, formacion y desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologias
Country – Spain / City – Granada
AGIFODENT is a non-profit educational institution established since 2002 in Cenes de la Vega, a small village around Granada city, Andalucia – SPAIN. Our organisation is a big umbrella educational organisation who has a private VET school and a
private ADULT school. We are intermediary organisation providing schools for mobility projects, jobshadowing projects, and european training courses too.
Agifodent works in the actual problems in Europe and participates in international projects about them: To promote discussion and debates about social problems such as unemployment, racism, environment, climate change, poverty, delinquency,
social exclusion and the reintegration into society of marginal population (especially handicapped people). This must be done following a translational perspective in order to enable the exchange of knowledge and experiences among European towns
and cities, developing means and services that enable cultural, intercultural and linguistic learning.
Eskisehir Anadolu Lisesi
Country – Turkiye / City – Eskisehir
The school provides the education for the youth before the higher education, thus the main focus is to get students ready for the university entrance examination by empowering the students with the skills of being able to follow the academic and
technological developments, contribute and join in the national, international level of projects. Not only does it empower youth and promote higher self esteem, it also motivates students, enables them to earn better grades by providing them the best practices. Therefore there are various streams provided to students whereby they can take up subjects according to their aptitude. Aside from academics, the school’s mission is to empower students in social and civic aspects through EU
projects, extracurricular activities, and professional clubs that collaborate with nearby universities and federations, such as scouting and debate clubs. The school is one of the best prominent schools in the region with an uninterrupted 68 years education history.
Akademickie Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace Politechniki Slaskiej
Country – Polans / City – Rybnik
The Academic High School of the Silesian University of Technology in Rybnik, in Poland, was established in 2018 in response to the needs of the university and the local environment. The school employs 27 teachers and 3 administrative staff. Our students have great achievements, take part in subject Olympiads, national and foreign competitions, exhibitions and volunteering. We carry out activities to encourage healthy, active lifestyle of adolescents, introducing mindfulness and yoga trainings as well and in this field we cooperate with public and non-public institutions. We would like to promote mobility for a global education, both nationally and internationally respect for cultural and linguistic diversity and recognition of the person, values, knowledge and experiences. So far, we have not implemented European projects and seeing the achievements of many students, we feel the need to develop international cooperation all the more.